Tuesday, September 30, 2008


A real friend is the medicine of life.As said by someone great, a friend in need is a friend indeed.In my opinion we must learn the lessons to maiintain a good friendship.Don't treat your friend as a means to achieve your goals. Treat him a person himself.You can trust him more than aybody else.You can open your innate heart and feelings to him.you can bestow infinite faith in him.As far as I am concerned I place my best friend next to GOD.I can be myself in every sense to him without any doubt.I shower utmost faith and trust him .I can even quarrel with him.I can cry without shame.I can apologise him .I consider him as an end in himself rather than a means to my needs.I get happiness and contentment and solace in his presence.If you ask me what is my greatest achievement in this life of mine , I will undoubtedly and unequivocally say that it is my best friend.I can say the whole world that I have never seen such a pure heart than his ever in my life.Without him I will be abig zero


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